How can play be utilized as a tool for positive mental health? Read more to find out...

Play is a highly beneficial tool used to build social skills, boost creativity, increase happiness, and relieve anxieties within a child. With these various benefits play provides, it is additionally used as a form of therapy particularity when a child is or has been faced with a traumatic event. Through the case study "Play as therapy for the hospitalized child", by Margaret A. Chambers insight is provided pertaining to the benefits of play when used as therapy for the hospitalized child. With this newfound knowledge, many things can be learned about the New Beginnings project, and how to best implement therapeutic play into the design.
To begin, we must first understand the difference between play therapy and therapeutic play. Through this study we learn that play therapy belongs strictly to the work of a psychiatrist looking for a diagnosis within a child. Whereas therapeutic play is rather using play to distress or ease misconceptions and fears within a child. While both are highly beneficial to a child faced with trauma, this study focuses solely on the effect of therapeutic play.
Anxiety is common with children both within a hospital setting (as in the study) as well as in those who have faced trauma. This being said, a crucial part of the healing process is to reduce these anxieties anyway achievable. Therapeutic play can be highly supportive in this as it allows trained professionals to explain stressful situations to the children in a way of better understanding. This alleviates misconceptions (particularly in a medical environment), as well as creates a safe space for the children to relive traumatic experiences in a non-threatening way.
“children find vague, undefined threats more upsetting
than those which are known and understood.”
-Vernon et al (1965)
An additional point to be made on the effects of therapeutic play is the development of trust it allows between the patient and psychiatrist. Whilst children play, they let down certain barriers and become more open to their environment. With several types of trauma leading to a lack of trust within adults, this is highly important as it begins to heal the misconception that adults are untrustworthy or evil. This creates the first step back to a healthy and happy life for the children at hand.
Play is a normal, safe activity for children- a medium in which they are able to easily communicate, develop, and master the universe. It has even been recognized as essential for normal growth and social skills. With this in mind it was vital that the use of play, play therapy, and therapeutic play was implemented within the New Beginnings project.